The tattoo choker was a popular trend in the 90s, but it has faded out of fashion since then. Luckily for me, now it's back, and cuter than ever. You can get them in all kinds of colours and styles! Usually people buy them from the store though. But, did you know it's actually really simple to make them yourself?
For this DIY you will need
~A hard surface, maybe a hard back book or a hard place mat.
~A binder clip/bulldog clip
~Elastic of your preferred colour, I got mine off amazon but you can usually find it in craft stores, make sure it's okay for use as a necklace before you begin.
Step one
Measure out your elastic, about two lengths of your wingspan. (I know, it seems a lot but better safe than sorry, and you can cut off excess at the end). Fold your piece of elastic in half and attach the middle point of it to your surface with a binderclip, don't let your loop be too big, I made that mistake!
Step two
This is the point where you make your choker. The first thing you have to do is hold the two pieces of elastic hanging from your binder clip, and put on under the other, around, and through the loop you've created. Repeat the process on the other side and continue. When your choker is about 7 inches long take it off and measure it against your neck to check how much longer you need. re-attach and continue, checking if it fits every inch or so.
Step three
So your choker is the length you want it too be, it fits, and it looks great. The only thing left to do is tie it off. Make several knots in the end with your strings, and once it's secure, take it off your surface. Next loop one of your loose ends inside the loop at the other end, and tie both loose ends together, repeat until secure. You can now cut off the loose ends and put your choker on! the bit you tied off tends to be a little messy so make sure it's at the back of your neck.
I think they look super cute and are a great addition to any outfit, whether you're just wearing it out shopping, or if you're at a party or at school (if your school allows jewelry)
Hugs and Kisses,
xx Beccy